AMLCville and DataCamp Courses

I’ve been busy over the last few months working on my data science skills. Starting around the beginning of the year, I started working on the DataCamp career track for Data Science using Python. I recently completed it and really enjoyed my time working on it. I feel like the courses have given me enough knowledge that I can do a little bit of work in Python and get started on learning more independently.

I also spent some time back in April at the Charlottesville Applied Machine Learning Conference (AMLCville). I wrote up a few quick thoughts on my other blog, so check it out!

Announcing Simply Approximate

After several years of trying to get it off the ground, I have finally launched my blog site. It is called Simply Approximate and will be the home of my rambling thoughts on Data Science, Physics, and any other thing that happens to interest me. So if you want to see what I am working on, check it out! A permanent link to the blog will be available in the sidebar.


Another belated announcement! Back in July I defended my dissertation and in August I officially graduated. For any who are interested in the work that I have done, my dissertation is freely available from the University of Virginia library.

Transitioning to Blogdown

I have felt for a while that this site needs a refresh. Previously, I had built it using Jekyll on a Windows machine. I’ve found that Jekyll was a pain to use in a Windows environment and that kept me from updating this site regularly. Fortunately, a few months ago I attended a RStudio webinar given by Yihui Xie on his new blogdown package.

Welcome to the new site created in blogdown! It isn’t particularly different from the previous iteration as it uses a different implementation of the same theme from Jekyll (Hyde). Hopefully, blogdown’s integration with RStudio will mean that I am more likely to keep the site updated. And even better, the RMarkdown integration should let me post code alongside any work updates I may post in the future!

New Publications

I am pleased to (belatedly) announce a pair of publications!

The first is work that I did examining the line shapes of dipole-dipole interactions in a cold Rydberg gas.

The second is work done with Tao Zhou on the absence of collective decay in a cold Rydberg gas.

Both of these papers can be found at the links to the APS journal websites above.